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Ancient Civilizations

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The civilizations that flourished in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Palestine were located in river valleys or along the Mediterranean coast. These civilizations developed highly complex cultures that shared many common characteristics.

Egyptians and Sumerians have made many significant accomplishments. According to Documents 1 and 5, Sumerians have began their accomplishments here. In Document 1, people in Sumer used a form of writing called cuneiform which later developed into the alphabet people use today. In Egypt, people used a form of writing called hieroglyphics. These forms of writing were the very first forms that people used to record important documents during trade or for laws. Cuneiform and hieroglyphics started in 3000 B.C. According to Document 5, the picture of the ziggurat shows that Sumerians were organized and advanced in their architecture. Sumerians planned the building of their ziggurats and their ziggurats were greatly detailed. They were built to be tall and large in size. According to this picture in Document 5, one architectural achievement was an invention of the arch. Many arches appear on this architectural structure of the ziggurat. Other inventions that Egyptians made were papyrus and an irrigation system. Papyrus was used as paper for people to write on. An irrigation system was made so that people’s crops were able to get water and so that people were able to get water for themselves. The Nile River was an irrigation system that helped people with everyday tasks.

Egypt had moral or code of behavior which eventually led to codified secular laws, as well as religious laws. According to Document 2, the moral guidelines for Egyptian students are respect for elders, respect for authority, and diligence. Boys were sent to school to read and write or to become scribes. Scribes were considered very important because they knew how to read and write and knowing how to read or write could get them a higher status job. The “Advice for Egyptian Students” persuaded young boys to go to school and become scribes because if not, they were going to have poor jobs such as “a soldier’s henchman, the stripling recruit...a husbandman [farmer], and the townsman into a groom.” In Document 3, there were moral codes an individual practiced. The moral codes he practiced was that he has not committed murder or hurt any man, had not carried away the offering made unto the blessed dead, had not stolen from orchards, had not driven the cattle from their pastures, nor has he thwarted the processions of the god. It was important for people to lead a moral life because Egyptians believed and prepared for a life after death. Osiris--a god--make the judgement on what afterlife you receive. Since this individual hasn’t done anything wrong he’s expecting a good afterlife. People around the world have their own religions where they believe in Nirvana, Heaven, or Hell. The way people lived their way, is how they base off where they will go and if their afterlife will be a good or bad one.

The Persian Empire and Phoenicians engaged in trade. According to Document 7, Persia needed roads and trade routes to maintain an empire. The

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