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Final Reflection for Sustainability Management

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I guess, I am really lucky to have participated in this course about Sustainability Management. Both of the instructors are really patience and actively attract the audience while discussing a big picture topic which is really important for all the people in the lecture room. Before I write about self-reflection, I would like to tell you guys little bit more about my background so that you can understand how I reflect on this topic.         

I was born in the middle class family in Burma back in 1989. As you know the history of Burma, the military government took over my country in 1988 and up until now, they are still controlling majority apart of my country including the senates. So I was pretty much grow up with a military rules and regulations. Don’t ask questions, don’t expect too much and live the life inside a box. Pretty much everything I have learned from primary school to University life is to think and learned from one point. In this lecture room, you guys discussed about how to think about a problem in different aspects.

I wasn’t a believer of Buddhism when I was born. I was born into a Hindu religion and as a kid I have thousands of questions about religion and why we have to believe in different aspects of religions. Even though both of my parent are true believer of Hinduism, they don’t have any answers to all my questions. That when I seek out for external help and try to learn about different religions in a Buddhist temple for months. My decision was really helpful to me and because of that action now I am a true believer of Buddhism both by heart and mind.  When the professor discuss about the three main pillar of the middle way and why we are doing this really open my mind more and more.

The first pillar about morality, charity & compassion in business world in easier said than done. As there are a lot of Business Companies out there, we can honestly say there are only few of them following the first pillar. And Starbucks is one of them.  Good moral to support the sustainability of the environment and charity and compassion toward the farmers and coffee growers for their sustainable future. Supplier training and education for continuous education improvement through farmer support centers, and Starbucks’s foundation are a few example of how the company following the first pillar.

Second pillar about practice & concentration is also really important not only for us in business world but also for the ones breathing air and surviving out there. Because without concentration, one would be lost and wonder around without meaning in own life. Every single one of us should have goals and targets that we need to achieve and need to practice  

Wisdom as the third pillar and how to bring the wisdom into business world or you own life is the essence of the middle way. There is no true wisdom without compassion. Science has now proven that the highest functions of the human mind are the functions required to extend kindness and compassion. Goodness though often undervalued in the corporate world brings with it real solid bottom line results because it lines up all the natural and scientific, mathematical and unseen, or spiritual realities of a thing or situation. In other words the laws of the universe come more directly in line with one who is motivated by genuine goodness. Our natural world is ruled by law. We fool only ourselves when we think we can become genuinely successful while secretly being motivated by mere selfishness. But sometime we all are amazed by the wisdom and compassion bring to us by the cooperate world. I have experienced about that with my previous job experience with Save the Children International. As we discuss in our class, UN and every other Nations are try to adapt the Sustainable Development Goals and surviving their best. Before 2016, it was called Millennium Development Goals, and as one of the developing country in the world, Myanmar is also struggling to achieve these goals.

I was freshly graduated from Medical Collage and decided to help my country public health sector. In reality trying to achieve these goals are really difficult even a small goal like combating communicable diseases like HIV, Tuberculosis and malaria seem like impossible. But compassion from cooperation like Microsoft through Bill and Millender Gate’s foundation help us to reduce malaria burden across Myanmar with their hard earn millions of US dollars. Without those kind of help from corporation or other sectors, my country wouldn’t achieve control stage to deadliest disease called malaria. I am glad that I was able to participate, help and also able to witness the genuinely good heart nature of billionaire form business world. Raise my awareness to help other people as much as I can.

During the middle of the class, we discuss about the draft constitution of Thailand and this was the most exciting discussion for me during the course. As you know the history of Myanmar, back in 2008, our military government try to push out a constitution into the world and it got more than ninety seven percent approval by the Burmese’s people even though most of the people didn’t voted. During that time, I wasn’t care so much about that constitution and I didn’t realize how that will effect so much to our future and will be a great deal onward. Because of that constitution, we can’t have a president that we all wish. And because of that constitution, majority of the time we spend on senate is arguing about that constitution and we barely move forward. That’s why, when we consider sustainable future of Thailand, this draft 2016 constitution play a major role in shaping it. I am very glad that we discussed that and I am also surprised to find out how little percentage of Thai people care about this constitution.

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