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Swot Analysis Vince McMahon

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Swot Analysis Vince McMahon

CEO: Vince McMahon

BY: Randeep Dhaliwal

"Regardless of how well a studio is run, it's only as good as the product it produces. If you stop building stars, which we never do, you wouldn't be in business." This was said by the former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Vince McMahon where he expressed his thoughts on business management in the 21st century. This quote comes from a wise man who is famous for making millions for the WWE. Vince McMahon is currently the chairman of the WWE who is an American wrestling promoter, wrestler and a film producer. The following will be discussed in this paper:

- Environment

- Coe’s Managerial Attributes

- Major Crisis/Issue with the CEO


The WWE has a lot of strengths in the wrestling business. First of they are one of the most highly recognized wrestling entertainment business out there in the world. They do WWE events and Pay Per View’s all across the world. The WWE has no real competition out there in the wrestling entertainment industry. WWE was known for its raw talent inside the ring and outside the ring. Outside the ring there was the McMahon family who were known for there great business decisions. With those great business decisions came the great talent created in the ring with wrestlers such as Former Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, Movie Star The Rock and the personality of the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin who was a fan favourite.

Some of the weaknesses that the WWE faced was that the product in the ring was getting old and the matches were becoming very predictable at some points. The name entertainment in there name was not delivering to the satisfaction of viewers watching on TV. Fans watching the WWE for 3-4 years were getting bored of the same old story lines. The WWE had to be very creative in there lifetime not to loose viewers but at some points it was just not the case. In the year 1999 ratings were up as far as 8.1 however in the year 2006 the highest rating you can find was 4.3. Thus showing the lack of interest people find in the company as time passes on.

Some opportunities that the WWE has created for themselves through video games and movies are promotions for there product. Video games such as

”WWE Raw vs. Smackdown” creates exposure for the product to users who play video game consoles such as the Xbox 360 or the Playstation. Another opportunity that the WWE has created for themselves is that they are producing movies which have wrestlers that star in them. Wrestler such as The Rock, Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena have all made movies with the WWE and have wrestled with them for an extensive period of time. This creates publicity for the company showing viewers out there the different kind of wrestlers there are in the business and how the entertaining they can be.

Some of the threats which the WWE face in the 21st century is that some people seem to think that this isn’t good for the children and creates a influence on the kids. Also activists are known to be out there freely protesting against the WWE as they use little toy wrestlers for kids to promote there item which will make them watch there shows on TV.

Some key success factors to the companies success is that they have no such competition out there in the wrestling entertainment industry. Other competitive companies such as ECW and WCW were bought out by the WWE giving the company a monopolistic type business. However there is one company which is coming up in the wresting business that is TNA (Total Non-Stop Action). They have acquired former wrestling superstars from the WWE such as Sting, Jeff Jarret and Billy Gun.

CEO’s Managerial Attributes

During his childhood Vince McMahon started out in poverty living in a trailer with his mom and his abusive

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