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Can Religion and Science Coexist?

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I have been asked to write a position paper on whether science and religion can coexist. By giving an opinion now-a-days can become hostile, I will share my beliefs. Hopefully, when you finish reading this will see a point of view that doesn’t “damn” you. I believe that science is created by God for God.

Let’s take a look at the the Catholic Church back in the day of the renaissance. The Church was geocentric, which has been proven wrong by Galileo. This may have had people starting to think that God and his teachings were wrong, and science was the only truth to everything. However, not to many people realize that the Catholic Church’s dogmatic teachings of geocentrism was actually based on the Greek scientist Ptolemy and not the Bible. The Bible shows the story where Joshua and the armies of Israel battled their enemies and God made the moon and sun to stop, to delay a full day. This was what the Catholic Church based their understanding on.

When Christians try to prove by “facts” that the big bang and the atheism it promotes,

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