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Kleptomania - Impulse Disorder

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Merelyn Mullins

Mr. Avila

English 111 sec 31



        Kleptomania, also known as Impulse Disorder, is an under-diagnosed condition that some Americans deal with daily.  It is an uncontrollable urge to steal things while repeatedly trying to stop doing so. More intense Kleptomania has symptoms that supports this diagnosis more clearly.  One symptom of Kleptomania is being unable to resist the urge to steal things even if it’s not to get money or to something that person could use.  Each time a Kleptomaniac fails to resist the urge to steal they are always doing so by themselves.  Some other symptoms are the increasing tension before a person steals and the pleasure the feel after their accomplishment.  Most people diagnosed with Kleptomania come to the doctor for other reasons and subsequently find out they have it.  Researcher agree that this disease is underdiagnosed.  Kleptomania is not to be confused with regular shoplifters.  Many things lead to Kleptomania such as eating disorders, stress and depression, Alcohol and drug abuse, or even the need for sexual gratification.

        Stress of all sorts lead to Kleptomania, but family or marriage life seems to be the most common form of stress that leads to Kleptomaniac activity.    According to experts women suffer more from this disorder than men which suggests that women usually lead more stressful lives than their counterparts.  Usually along with being stressed shoplifters are often depressed.  “Experts found that stress precedes shoplifting and all patients were at least moderately depressed.”(Souvenirs, Gifts,& Novelties).  42 percent of shoplifters are diagnosed with depressive neurosis, a psychiatric disorder.  Those type of Kleptomaniacs usually steal around holiday times and birthdays.  Most of these depressed people often come from a poverty stricken environment and need the items their stealing, thus leading to Kleptomania.  Often teens form lower income households tend to steal too.  Normally between ages twelve and fourteen.  A woman once reported a link between depression and Kleptomania in 1911.  Since then many case studies and observations corroborate that ladies observations in that year.

Kleptomania can serve as a relief valve for people like this.  

Stress occurs in drug users for many various reasons.  Drug use is said to be similar to the feeling that Kleptomaniacs get when they steal and get away with it.  While the two are similar drug use may still lead to Kleptomania in those who use.  Drugs often block receptors and lower ones mood or feelings leading to a depression like feeling which causes some to steal.  “Drugs can encourage shoplifting behavior by reducing inhibitions.”  (Souvenirs, Gifts,& Novelties).  Experts reported that among three hundred shoplifters aged between seventeen and seventy-three two thirds of them reported doing so weekly.  Constantly using drugs can very well lead to a person becoming Kleptomaniac.

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