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Persuasive Speeches

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Jesse Johnson



April 12, 2005

Persuasive Speeches

When starting to think about what I am going to do for my persuasive speech I tried to think of a topic that I am going to be able to learn something from and also a topic that I already know something about. I was thinking of doing a speech on legalizing marijuana but I feel that a lot of people do speeches on this so I wanted to think of a new topic. I really have not thought about what I am going to do for it but I know whatever I chose it will be good.

In a persuasive speech there needs to be certain elements. Obviously you are going to have to include a introduction, body, and a conclusion. But furthermore I think what else has to be included is that you have to give reason because if you don’t give reason then why should your audience care about what you are going to talk about. Also, you need emotion in your speech. You have to find a way to get the audiences attention and with a persuasive speech this

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