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The Great Awakening Comes to Weathersfield

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The Great Awakening Comes to Weathersfield, Connecticut.

A- The author’s purpose for creating this article was to explain how impactful the sermons that were given were and how people made a struggle in order just to attend one of these sermons.

P- The author/source provider of this article is George Leon Walker, the author’s economic status impacted this article because he was most likely a firm believer of The Awakening impacting the positive views towards the movement.

H- The historical context of the document can be referred to The Enlightenment, which although was not a religious movement, it was an intellectual movement involving people trying to make a difference for the better. Like The Great Awakening, sermons played a key role in both movements.

I- The author’s intended audience was the people who shared the same beliefs of The Great Awakening and is shown by stating how the citizens would always be present at the sermons that Whitefield gave and those same preachings would illuminate

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