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The Importance of a Kept Uniform

By:   •  Essay  •  288 Words  •  January 10, 2010  •  744 Views

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The importance of keeping a uniform nice and nead is an important task that can easily identify a soldier of what he or she is capable of. For instance, it see a soldier being capable of doing things without being told, having being responsible, or is just able to coduct personal hygene. Another thing is that it doesn’t have to be your uniform, what about you weapon how do you know it won’t jam? Only way to make that not happen is to clean Its things like that that mean you can take care of yourself and not have your NCOs keep a constant eye on you and is able to help other fellow soldiers to achieve the same goal.

Another invaluable trait that is identifiable is the soldier’s ablility to be situationally aware of things. The ablility to notice things on your uniform such as smudges, stains, wear,and tear is also a

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