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Time and Money Management

By:   •  Essay  •  299 Words  •  December 30, 2009  •  973 Views

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Time and Money Management

There are many differences between both time and money management. By using time management skills you can save money. The way people spend their time reflects on how they spend their money. Both time and money are scarce commodities. People who succeed and get many things done in a day know how to manage their time properly. Time and money go hand in hand.

If a person can manage their time well then they will save money. When people manage their time they can look at the best prices for an object while people who try to get too many things donein one day do not have time to look at the best prices.

They way a person spends their time shows how they spend their money. People who waste their time throughout the day usually are people who waste their money. People who use their time wisely usually are people who spend their money wisely.

Time and money are both scarce commodities. Since time is limited people must learn how to spend their time

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