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Difference Between Chinese and American Cultures

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The film pushing hands demonstrates the differences between the American and Chinese culture. In the film Mr. Chu, the father in law who is from China and his daughter in law who happens to be from America are having difficulties adapting into one another’s life styles due to the cultural differences. In the movie pushing hands it strongly focuses on the term “Family”. Prominently many people believe that family is the most useful consolidating aspects among subgroups. In many films family is portrayed to be an important part of an individual’s life, and this film “Pushing hands” happens to be one of them.

The Chinese and American cultural has more differences than similarities. For instance, in China, a son and a father relationship is as one of the most important relationships in the family ties. When you ask a Chinese what a father-son relationship means to you they’ll refer to it as a kind relationship from the father and a devoted, filial relationship from the son. Chinesesc use the word “devoted” because it is a basic understanding among chinese people in the moral principle which is the root of morality and kind means to love and show affection towards your child. Chinese people believe that their body has been given by their parents during birth. They also believe that life will no longer matter once you are dead. In the film Pushing Hands, there was scene where Martha forces Alex to ask his father to move out, he said, “I am his only son. What should I do?!” As a Chinese it is the responsibility of the younger son of the family to take care of the parents when they get older but in this case Alex is the only son. In China, sometimes the parents will beat their children severely for the sake of their own good. It is considered that a father is at the center of the family.

Though in America this kind of relationship in the family is not valid. In America, this kind of relationship is much equal. Fathers are more of a friend rather than a father. American children also show love to their parents. We can often hear them say “I love you”. Parents and children are more equal in American families. In America, people believe that they were born equal, whether fathers or sons, they are God’s people. They do not value the inherent relationship between father and son, instead, they value equality. Parents also think their children are independent individuals. They love to help them, but never force them to do anything.

There was a scene in the movie where the kid told his mom a was about a turtle, a fish, a mice and a bottle medicine and finally they are on the street to be ruined which seemed odd to me and everyone, however it meant differently to the kid. Martha also thought there was no correlation of the many things, however she still exalted her son “Jeremy gets some ideas”. American parents seem to hear their kids out and appreciate their ideas toward the world and understand them. From Americans perspective, not a single person has the right to limit the development and improvement of the kids. No individual should dictate their personal ideas onto the children. Here in America, parents are more attentive to develop the children’s personal independence and deal with the daily events with their own efforts.

Instead, for the Chinese children, they were raised to obey their parents. What you can usually hear Chinese parents saying is “Go eat your dinner” Or “finish your homework” And among others. The Chinese parents would do anything for their kids, particularly the grandparents on both sides. Nevertheless they won’t give the children any opportunity to show themselves their independence.

In America, there has to privacy, even among parents and their children. Accordingly, when Mr. Chu took a look at his grandson’s “private parts” after he took a bath, saying “The future of our Chu family relies on your treasure.” Martha was not too pleased

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