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Descartes - an Interpretation of the Mind and Body

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An Interpretation of the Mind and the Body

In accordance with substance dualism, our bodies and minds are two separate substances able to exist separately. The argument presented by Descartes leans on the assertion that the essence of mind is based on thought while the essence of the body is based on extension, and in return this duality of essences indicates a duality of correlating substances.

Furthermore Descartes exemplifies upward and downward causation to show the correspondence between the mind and the body. Upward causation is when physical events cause mental events, for example if my stomach growls it gives my mind the idea of being hungry and getting something to eat. Similarly downward causation is when mental events cause physical events, for example someone who is claustrophobic and thinks about being in a crammed elevator may cause that person to begin sweating. Furthermore supporting Descartes argument that duality of essences indicates a duality of correlating substance.

During their correspondence, Elizabeth presents to him an uncomplicated question, and by doing so exposing a problem for Descartes and his arguments. “Given that the soul of

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