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New Body Old Brain

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Taylar Calderon

Dr. Nutt

Psychology 2301

Tues. Thurs. 1-2:20pm

CT #2

        If my brain were removed and replaced by someone else’s, I would say It’d be a new brain in my old body. The reason I say this is because when it is replaced, it is no longer my body. Its whoever’s brain is in my old body. When you think about it, your brain is what makes you, you. If someone put their brain in my body, it is now their body. Without your brain, it is just a body.

        For example, it is like a car without a driver. The car would just be parked without its mobility of a driver to stir and control everywhere it goes. When the brain is in a new body, whomever had that brain before, now has a new body. The brain is a control center. It controls our memory, consciousness, emotions, body functions, etc. As it is put into a new body, it now controls everything that body does. Every memory or action from the original body is now attached to the new body but the same mind set.

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