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Who Is Responsible for Changing Poverty

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Who is responsible for changing Poverty?

Ultimately it is down to the individual to get themselves out of poverty

There are many reasons that a person may be in poverty such as luck, illness, the poverty cycle, etc however ultimately it is up to the individual because if they do not put the hard work in needed to get out of this poverty then no one else can and should do it for them.

The family may be partially responsible for the individual being in poverty such as the mother and/or father was unable to break out of poverty and therefor the person is brought up into it too or the persons children may make it difficult to work however it is not then up to them to get the individual out of poverty. If the family were unable to break out of poverty it isn’t then up to the family to try and sort it out for them however they need to make life better for themselves. If however it is the children that have caused or aided the issue of poverty- it is not there blame or their thing to try and fix. I was the individual’s choice to bring them into the world and therefor it is up to them to make life better for themselves and the child and no responsibility should go to the family.

It is not up to the government to get people out of poverty but it is up to them to provide the opportunity. The government should provide the individual with the opportunity

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