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Economic Inequality

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There are an abundant amount of hallmark issues that are plaguing the international community in the current times. Many individuals are struggling with the effects of racism, sexism, unpredictable climate changes and war in their own front yards. However, one problem that I believe should be on the forefront of change is economic inequality. The UN should focus more of its time and energy implementing resources and programs into poor communities that will educate them on creating and sustaining wealth.

All across the world, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing larger and larger with time. The idea of a middle class is becoming a concept of the past. Economic inequality is a grave problem, because those whom are at an economic disadvantage, have less access to every resource which can guarantee a secure, healthy existence.

For instance, the economically deprived have a much greater likelihood of dying at a younger age and struggling with more health issues throughout the span of their lives when comparing them to those of a higher economic status. One reason this is so is because those with little money also have little access to quality health care. Furthermore, they have less access to health education and less knowledge regarding illness preventative measures; such as getting regular exercise, caring for mental health and eating a well balanced diet. When just trying to survive and afford basic necessities, certain health practices can be overlooked. Even if the individuals had an interest in practicing healthy habits, they are likely to be met with challenges, since healthy foods are usually more expensive, and poor people often reside in communities that are not safe to wander around.

Educational attainments can also be overlooked and ignored by those suffering from poverty. In some countries, such as Ghana, Nepal and the US, higher education is very hard to afford by those who are not of a mid to higher economic class. However, many poor people are not even considering college as a possible option for themselves, because they are too focused on surviving. It is a struggle for many people, because of the need to work in order to take care of themselves and their families. They simply don’t have enough time to work and attend school, which often leads to educational goals being pushed to the side. Having an education opens up many doors for individuals, and allows them to attain better paying jobs. Without an education, many people are simply stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty.

Another reason poverty is an issue that should be focused on is because it

Creates societal problems and heightens the international crime rate. Poverty and criminal involvement is directly correlated because poverty creates an atmosphere which forces a large group of people to fight for a small number of resources. If the individuals were in a position to afford their own goods, they would not have to steal from others and get involved in other illegal activities. No one wants to be a criminal, but many people feel they don’t have much of a choice; especially in the recent economy where the job outlook is bleak. People will do what they feel they have to do to survive.

        Besides crime, the other societal issue related to poverty is the impact it has on the overall economy. It is the middle class that is responsible for the most purchases of goods and services. If the middle class is no longer able to do so (or no longer exists) less money will be exchanged and circulated worldwide; this will lead to less overall growth and development. For example, due to the poor economic state of India (20% currently living in poverty), the country has been stagnant and has not undergone significant growth in the past several years.

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