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Hist 112 - Comparism, Perception and Emphasis on Modernization of Japan

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                                                    Comparisms, perception and emphasis on Japanese Modernization

                                                                           Peace Okere

                                                                            Hist. 112

                                                                            Professor Kordak

                                        Comparism, perception and emphasis on Modernization of Japan.

The two primary sources laid emphasis on the strength of Japan, weaknesses, the reasons to keep Japan out of the US, and ultimately the strategies to achieve this diplomatically and still maintain peace and peaceful co-existence.

     Comparing the emphasis and perspectives of the two primary sources available, Japan could be understood as people with great confidence, and great touchiness. The source also laid emphasis on Japan’s massive population and territory. These features and qualities   add to Japan’s advantage of formidable military power and their peculiar fighting capacity. Even though the Us portrays Japan as a threat to them and thereby intend to figure out ways of stopping the influx of Japan’s into the US and also check-mate Japans progress and modernization by encouraging the migration of southern Europeans to the island, the Japanese have made general progress during the short space of half a century in their boon conferred by foreign intercourse. The Leap forward is as a result of the stimulus which the country received on coming into contact with civilization of Europe and America.

The perspectives of the two primary sources dwells mainly on Japan .One of the sources laid more emphasis on the threat Japan will be if they come in contact with modernization, the efforts and policies that the US should put in place in other to restrict Japan from enjoying foreign intercourse while the other source laid emphasis on the gains of Japans modernization and the growth attained by Japan as a result of the intercourse. Both sources acknowledge the strength, peculiarity, growth and sensitivity of the Japanese.

     According to Roosevelt, to permit Japan to come into the US in large numbers would be to cause a race problem which would invite and insure a race contest. Although the US acknowledges this as a problem, they have not taken steps to stop them.

Another perspective was the impact of foreign intercourse on US which animated the national consciousness who under the feudal system lived localized and disunited while it enabled Japan to stand up as a world power remaining politically unaltered under one imperial house and sovereignty that has descended in an unbroken line for a length of time absolutely unexampled in the world.

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