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Leah Vasquez                                                                September 2nd, 2015

W/F 9:30-10:45

        McDonaldization is the term used to describe the rational principles of the fast-food restaurant coming to control more sectors of society and societies around the world. This development leads to the making of rational systems that are characterized into a four-part process by most direct and efficient means to their ends. The four-part process or four defining characteristics are efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. Efficiency can be as simple as the use of an ATM because it is used to reach an end rapidly with the least amount of effort. An example of Calculability is “Big Gulp” from 711. You get a large quantity of the drink you choose at a low price. The movie industry builds upon Predictability, by mixing sequel after sequel. Control, the final process of McDonaldization, is mostly maintained through technology. For example, microwaves having a popcorn button on it to make sure your popcorn will be perfectly popped. There are also some disadvantages to having a rational system like McDonaldization. It leads to deskilling which is having a work force with minimum abilities to complete a task. This means that workers are quickly trained and are easily replaced. Also, dehumanization becomes a huge downfall of McDonaldization. People are forced to work in dehumanizing jobs, which lead to job dissatisfaction. Kids growing up will acquire habits that will increase dependency on the systems. All fast-food establishments lead to roadside litter and being blamed for childhood obesity. Although, McDonaldization and the four-processes led to rational systems, it always seems to lead to irrationality.

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