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The Effect of Behavior Patterns on Socialization

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I am interested in further consideration and study of Rudolf Dreikur's ideas because the complete lack of the application of his approach by my parents and community when I was a child created personality traits that have plagued me all my life. I am now 74 years old. I got a masters degree in social work in the late 60s, but always believed that I didn't learn much about in that schooling about improving social behavior. During the 1970s, I sought additional knowledge to aid me in practicing clinical social work, and spent a week in Wisconsin learning about Dreikur's approach.

The main behavior of my parents that in retrospect seems to have had a negative consequence on my social development was just a lack of talking with my siblings and I above anything and everything under the sun, not just about important choices that were would have to or were making but also about anything, things that were happening on the farm, things they were dealing with, helping us learn to make even simple decisions like what clothes we liked and didn't like, what color socks we wanted to wear, things like our experiences in sunday school in church, what kind of activities we enjoyed doing. Nothing.

One of the consequences of this lack of dialogue was that we didn't learn to speak well and express ourselves. We had little practice that would have helped us through our entire lives. When I was age 13, I started listening to the preacher's sermons. I wanted to talk with my parents about the talks back home after

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