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Harry Potter

By:   •  Book/Movie Report  •  302 Words  •  December 23, 2009  •  1,472 Views

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Essay title: Harry Potter

Book report

Harry Potter

In this book report I will talk about a book that is very popular: Harry Potter. There are four books, the author is supposed to write two more books. Today, I will talk about the first book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone.

Harry Potter is a boy of 11 years old. His parents were killed when he was a baby and he was confided to his uncle and is family: The Dursley. He lived there for approximately 10 years, his bedroom was under the stairs. It looked more like a closet. At his eleventh birthday, he received a lot of letters but is uncle burned all the letters. They all moved away, Harry and his adopted family. But one day a big man found the family and gaved a letter to Harry, in the letter we could read: Dear Harry, congratulation you are admitted in the most famous wizard school; Poudlard.

He arrived at the school by train. In the train he met Ron and Hermione. They became big friends. Harry was made

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