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Ecomomics: The Savings and Costs of The Sahm.

By:   •  Essay  •  335 Words  •  March 18, 2010  •  880 Views

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Ecomomics: The Savings and Costs of The Sahm.

EcoMOMics: the Savings and Costs of the SAHM.

I made the most important decision of my life almost two years ago. I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter, had a 15 month old son in daycare at least 8 hours a day, and was working a minimum of 50 hours a week as a Restaurant Manager. My son was already in his 4th daycare situation after a move and a few horrible experiences. The long hours and the feeling of cutting too many corners left me feeling burned out. I was over-worked, under-paid, stressed out, and just plain tired. Oh, and did I mention pregnant?!? After an emergency room visit and 3 weeks of medical appointments, the great minds at Kaiser finally decided that I was physically and mentally better off at home, and I was put on early maternity leave and disability. Well, who am I to argue with one of the top ranked HMOs? I gladly turned in my manager's keys and headed home to be with my son.

Within a week I had my son on a schedule. He knew when it was time to eat, play, and sleep; and he went to bed without

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