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America’s “new” Racism

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America’s “New” Racism

For years, affirmative action has been one of the most fiercely debated topics in corporate America. Albert Einstein said, “Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.” During this time, it was an issue between the wealthy and the poor, but today, the issue is between the minority and the majority. Racial disparity today is an enormous issue. There have been many actions taken in order to find a resolution for racial inequality, the most considerable act that has been commenced is affirmative action. Due to past historical events such as slavery in America, progression towards integration has become leisured to many Americans. A color-blind society will never exist, for the simple fact that blacks as well as other minorities cannot deny the past and what has happened in history.

Affirmative action is widely considered reverse discrimination by holding back more qualified individuals in the majority groups. Therefore, affirmative action hinders reconciliation between the minority and majority groups by replacing old problems with new problems and provoking violence and aggression against groups that affirmative action favors. As a result, affirmative action fails to achieve the goals of true social equality.

Blacks and other racial minorities stagger well behind whites in almost every area of social life. Minorities are about three times more likely to be poor than whites, and it has also been recorded that blacks earn about forty percent less than whites, even while working in the same profession. Racial minorities also receive a lower education than whites even when they attend integrated institutions. While majority of whites live comfortable or even beyond their means, blacks and other minorities often times struggle to find suitable shelters for themselves as well as their families.

Black owned housing units compared to white owned housing units are valued at 35 percent less. Blacks and Latinos also receive less admittance to the housing market due to the fact whites have been successful in limiting their entrance into certain neighborhoods through their powers in reality. Racial minorities likewise pay more for goods such as cars and houses than the race white does.

As you can see constructing a color-blind society is going to take more than removing race boxes from job applications. The only thing that the race boxes prevent is knowing the race of a person before hiring them. The names on the applications alone can often times categorize people into races. Receiving a job because there is no race box on the applications does not ensure minorities that they are going to be able to keep the job once the employer finds out that the employee that they hired may not be the best fit for the job that they are expected to do. Eliminating the race box only confirms that racism will evolve from race to gender. Racism

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