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Causes of the World War

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  1. Introduction

historical event became known as the great war. The main hostile European countries involved in the war were imperials powers with large colonial territories in Africa, Asia and the middle east. The war lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. There were many factors that led Europe to war, such as the conflicts and hostility between the great powers over the previous four decades. The wars took place in phases and brought a lot of consequences in the countries involved in the war and supporting soldiers from others countries and whole world.

  1. The world war (1914 – 1918)
  2. The causes of world war one
  3. The leading factors
  4. The phases/stages of the great war
  5. The consequences

The social and political consequences of the War were far reaching.  When the War began most of the world’s governments were ruled by imperial monarchies such as Tsarist Russia, Imperial Germany and the Austria-Hungarian Empire. By the end of the War, revolutions in Germany, Austria and Russia ended the era of absolutist monarchy as workers and soldiers rebelled against the suffering and deprivation imposed by the War.

The First World War had a huge impact on the position of women in society.  In many countries the entire adult male population was involved in fighting. This created a huge shortage of labour which meant that the output from different sectors of the economy was not at its maximum capacity. The production of armaments and equipment needed by soldiers took priority over normal industrial production. Women stepped into the gap left by men in the spheres of transport, industry, policing and most war industries. They operated the munitions factories responsible for feeding the war machine. Women became a visible public presence, not just as wives and mothers, but as economic and social actors in their own right. Many also volunteered for medical service at the front. Before the war women worked primarily in domestic service, the textile industry and teaching. Traditionally, these were regarded as female occupations. With men gone to war, women filled their positions in engineering, shipbuilding, farming and commerce. An important consequence of the War was the granting of the vote to women. Before the war the Suffragette Movement in Great Britain had been waging a militant campaign in support of granting the vote to women. In June 1917, the House of Commons approved the women’s suffrage clause by adopting the Representation of the People’s Bill.

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