By: Andrew • Essay • 271 Words • February 21, 2010 • 746 Views
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what would i do with a million dollars....
well first id start off by getting a mail order wife, pref. one from Japan so she can make me food and like NOTHING IS BETTER THEN FREE JAPANESE FOOD...but we wouldt have kids because got forbid i had a son. YOu know them Japnanese with their "werry small penis" . NExt with my MIllion dollars I would buy some cows, BREEDING THEM ALL! So I have mad amounts of cows. Id kill every 3rd one at the age of two and slaughter the other one at 9 months leaving 1 cow to live. Maybe he'll show the other cows howda do shit that i dont want to
teach milk themsleves for instance...Live it up with some viel chops biatch... Have like a huge cow farm ya know . I wouldnt have to worry about cleaning the cow