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Treat of Versailles Persuasive Essay

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The United States should ratify the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles is a treaty that would formally end Word War I. It includes blaming Germany for the start of the war, steep reparations to the allies, redrawing the map of Europe, dissolution of colonial empires, and the formation of the League of Nations. Ratifying the Treaty of Versailles would allow the United States to participate in world affairs and will prevent future world conflict. Even though there are people against the idea of ratifying the Treaty of Versailles because of the United States being a member in the League of Nations would entangle them in more foreign disputes. There are more advantages from the Treaty of Versailles. The advantages would include the ending of World War I, the formation of the League of Nations, and forced Germany to pay reparations to the Allies.

First of all, ratifying the Treaty of Versailles would formally put an end to World War I. The Treaty of Versailles stripped Germany of its armed forces. It also made Germany pay war reparations to the allies. The Treaty of Versailles basically put the full blame on Germany for starting and corrupting World War I. As Germany signed the treaty, it formally ended World War I and was agreeing and understands that all the things, just mentioned, would happen. Also, after the end of World War I, the four empires, the Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, The German Empire, and the Austria-Hungary Empire dissolved out of the Europe map. All for empires fell apart and was either split or renamed as a new country.

Secondly, ratifying the Treaty of Versailles would eventually lead to the creation of the League of Nations. The League of Nations came from Woodrow Wilson’s idea of the Fourteen Points. The League of Nations is the most important point for Wilson and it called for the creation of a “general association of nations”. The League of Nations would help preserve world peace and prevent future wars. They would accomplish their goals by agreeing to respect and protect

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