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World War 2 1939 to 1945

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World War 2

World War 2 took place during 1939-1945. It was the largest and deadliest war in history.The war was between the axis and allie powers. The allies consisted of Poland, Britian, France, Soviet union, U.S China, against the axis powers Germany, Italy nd Japan.By the end of the war there was 62 million people dead.The war began when Germany invaded poland. The U.K and France declared war on germany. There was many post war effects such as the cold war technoligy social effects nd nuclear weapons.

By the end of the war Europe was in great economic trouble. The economy collapsed 70% of the industry was destroyed. They were forced to pay great reparations.Along with the economy colapsing. There was millions of death and famine in the country.They set up the marshall plan which was made to help recover the european economy.In the marshall plan the u.s government would help pay for the damage

After the war there was also a start of computer technology. The technology changed greatly.This led to the making of the nuclear bomb. The nuclear bomb was very important nd helped the U.S defeat Japan. If this bomb was never invented who knows what the world would be like. As deadly as the bomb was the world wouldnt be the same

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