Bill Deberger
Esrom woldemichael
Bill DeBurger
1. Bill DeBurger is in charge of accounting and some one needed to complete the inventory mono. If I was Bill DeBurger someone needs to explain to me why there is $72,000 overstatement on the inventory. maybe someone signed off on the inventory valuation. If not there is a chance it could be a symptomatic of bigger problem.
2. yea, since Sam has great deal of experience with audit, I would have expressed my concern about the inventory account valuation sooner. because Bill DeBurger waited he does not a lot of option, if he could of talk to Sam Sonner, bill could help him with his concern or give him a better way to handle the station. Aslo by waiting he is putting his supervisor and everyone in a difficult position. I believe its necessary to have great deal of communication with supervisor despite the delay.