Burton Snowboards
By: Anna • Research Paper • 1,317 Words • March 3, 2010 • 2,048 Views
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Burton Snowboards
Jake Burton is the founder and owner of world’s leading snowboarding company. Since 1977, his company has created snowboarding gear that sets the standards for the rest of the industry. In order to be successful, his motto is to “always focus on the sport and everything else took care of it self.”
The Exchange Process at Burton Snowboards
Exchange process is when two or more parties’ gives something of value to each other to satisfy each party’s perceived needs. Exchange process at Burton Snowboards creates a profitable relationship between the company, employees, snowboarding resorts and riders.
Burton Snowboards not only gives quality goods to the riders, they give services as well. They create a relationship with riders by connecting them with the sport itself; snowboarding. The employees of Burton Snowboards mostly are people who are either passionately into snowboarding or trained riders. Jake Burton gives his employees every season, a free pass to Stowe Mountain Resort, and discount to other resorts. Burton also has an Employee Appreciation Day where he shuts down the factory for a day in the spring. He realize that without his employees, his company would not grow as fast.
Resorts and snowboarding are co-dependent. Without the support of resorts, the sport could never have grown. Without snowboarding, resorts can lose a huge amount of business. Jake Burton recognizes this relationship, and to ensure the growth of both sides, he creates programs that help resorts to attract and retain snowboarders. Therefore Burton “Learn To Ride”, “Burton Method Centre” and “Smart Style Program” are created.
Jake Burton’s entrepreneurial philosophy made his company successful.
• He has Visions and Commitments.
Jake Burton’s vision is to focus solely on the sport itself. He commits himself to the sport and the growth of the sport. He campaign tirelessly for snowboarding at resorts and for the Open Snowboarding Championships. Owning the company privately, he is also actively testing his products himself and strives to snowboard more than 100 days per year.
• The company is Customer-focused.
Burton Snowboards create a “Learn To Ride” program that focus on instruction methods and beginner-specific equipments. They want to give beginner snowboarders an exceptional experience so that they will come back to the mountains and snowboard again. The teams of instructors are those that are highly qualified from America, Canada, North America, Europe and Asia.
• The company is Rider-driven.
Riders of Burton’s Snowboards influence every product that Burton made. The Product Manager work closely with pro-riders to develop better gears. Riders everywhere are encouraged to call Burton’s Rider Service Line or send emails for product feedback. Feedback is shared with product developers, managements, customer representatives, sales representatives and Jake. From start to finish, products are tested and perfected with rider’s feedback. Jake is also involve with the process of testing and giving critical analysis to the equipment and products throughout the development process.
• Jake is Global-minded.
Operating in a global environment means that
he must understand the trends and economic and legal issues that have an impact on international markets and products, as well as local customs. He expand his company in 35 countries, this was developed over time by gaining understanding towards the different cultures of every country. He respects customs and language in every country, gives overseas operations the best manufacturing technologies, develop local research and development to tailor product markets and encourage competition among overseas outposts with plants back home.
• Jake also is Socially responsible:
To give back to the community and share the sport, Jake creates a non-profit learn to snowboard program called: CHILL with kids who otherwise would almost never have a chance to get out of the city, enjoy the mountains and learn to ride. It is an international program for disadvantage inner-city kids. Chill takes unprivileged and at-risk kids snowboarding once a week for six weeks and provide them with everything they need for the experience: lift tickets, instructions, bus transportations and head-to-toe gear.