Business Process Reengineering:
By: regina • Research Paper • 802 Words • February 20, 2010 • 1,573 Views
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Executive Systems Research Centre, University College, Cork, Ireland.
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) advocates the fundamental examination and redesign of business processes, recognising tb-at the legacy of scientific management has been the excessive fragmentation of work practices in organisations today. This is reflected in the hierarchical structuring of organisations around functional departments, with individual aind departmental goals displacing overall organisational goals. This paper discusses the development of a specific methodology for BPR. The practical application of this methodology in an actual BPR project in one organisation is discussed sind some of the findings and lessons learned from the project are presented.
Keywords: Business process reengineering, business process redesign, business reengineering, methodology, manufacturing, electronics industry, case study, action research
RESUME Le Reengineering d'entreprise, ou Business Process Reengineering (BPR), est fonde sur un examen
systematique et une reconfiguration fondamentale des processus de l'entreprise, motives par
le constat de la fragmentation excessive des taches dans les entreprises modernes. Cette fragmentation,
heritage du Scientific Management, est refietee dans la structure tres hierarchique et
departementale des entreprises ou, trop souvent, les objectife des departements entrent en confiit
avec les objectifs de l'entreprise. Cet article presente une methodologie specialeinent aidaptee au
Reengineering d entreprise et son application a un projet reel de redesign dans une entreprise.
L'article conclut en presentant les legons tirees de cette application.
Interest in the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) concept is quite recent, emerging in the
work of writers such as Davenport and Short (1990), Hammer (1990), Hammer gmd Champy
(1993), and Harrington (1991). The concept is currently very topical, however, and is ubiquitous
in recent organisational, management and information technology literature. The extent of the
widespread popular interest in the BPR concept can be gauged from the fact that Hammer and
Champy's recent book on BPR featured at the top of the US best-seller lists. This popularity
is also reflected in the fact that many organisations claim to be undertaking BPR projects
and many software vendors are offering products to support BPR. However, spveral studies
have recently appeared in the literature which have critically examined the BPR pihenomenon
{e.g. Earl, 1994; Coulson-Thomas, 1994; Strassman, 1993). The progression of a concept from
theory to sustained practice is dependent on the development of its theoretical baise, and the
introduction of methodological approaches that are capable of being used by practitioners. This
paper reports on a study in which a specific methodology for BPR wasi developed land applied
in one organisation.
While BPR is usually portrayed as a new concept, a number of the principles and concepts
underpinning BPR^ have their antecedents in other disciplines. For example, Strassman (1993)
identifies the contribution of the industrial engineering discipline in which methods such as
process analysis, activity costing and value-added measurement have been around for about 50
years. Earl (1994) also discusses the contribution of a number of fields, including the operations
management domain {e.g. Juran, 1964), sociotechnical systems thinking (Leavitt, 1964) and