By: Victor • Essay • 592 Words • February 8, 2010 • 913 Views
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Problems at Byte Corporation
MGT485-0603B-07: Global Strategic Management
By Cory Bagby
Instructor John A. Martin
1. What is the most important problem facing the Byte Products, Inc.?
The most important problem facing byte is how they will increase production without hurting the reputation of the company or building a economy and then destroying it in three years leaving over twelve hundred people unemployed and with invaluable housing and property. Then the after affects of the loss of the company comes into play people leave because of loss of work. Restaurants, stores, and other business that live of the population go out of business or go bankrupt leaving an even greater number of people unemployed. This plan sounds good but it end up to be un ethical and could cause the population not to trust them because this plan will make them look like the could care less about there employees or there customers.
2. What recommendation(s) would you make to Mr. Elliot, and in what order of priorities?
The recommendations I would make would go as follows. If the population is happy with the company “population meaning customers and employees” then the share holders will be happy. The customers should come first there the ones that invest there time and money by buying the products. If a share holder gets upset that there is a little fall in the market and jump the gun and sells it there will always be some one out there that is waiting for the perfect opportunity to pick up some stock and invest in it. Anyway the population comes first that means the town. I think it is a good idea for the company to purchase or lease the building and get that town back on its feet. My idea is to keep the building even after the three years is up. Who knows what the demand is going to be in three years it might end up being too much for the new company then what they are going to do build another plant. If they just keep that plant going it will be good for the economy it will be good for the company it will be good for the town and other small business.