By: Tommy • Research Paper • 4,991 Words • February 22, 2010 • 829 Views
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Executive summary
Who don’t want to become more competitive? Every business in competitive environment wishes to be the powerful organization. This represents the reason many companies are now focusing on creativity in solving business problems. As we know, today’s businesses face increasing pressure on different fonts such as in new-product development, marketing, distribution and customer service. These pressures have prompted them to check how they function, researching that traditional bureaucratic approaches are no longer effective. Instead, businesses need creative ways of rethinking as they move toward what many have named as the “creativity era”.
Creativity and innovation in businesses help employees view problems from different perspectives and give opportunities to managers thinking in new ways. Frequently, the focus is on research and development (R&D) o new-product development. Many companies, however, now realize that creativity is important for all their personnel.
In competitive market, technological advances, shorter production cycles, global trade possibilities, changing consumer demographics and dictate the need fo creative approaches to business. But the giant barrier in many companies is internal politics battles, poor communication networks; bureaucratic structures prevent businesses from being creative.
Business creativity is all the more important it has a bottom –line to all the companies because, in the long term, greater creativity will mean better products, greater sales, and larger profits at lower cost.
A new way of thinking is capable of achieving a marketplace advantage in today’s rapidly changing environment. OTICON give us a surprise. For most of us, our ideas about the world, our models and our structures of interpretation arise from a few fundamental assumptions. We use these assumptions to design and operate our corporations. Te thinking, logic and language that surround these assumptions are based on a view that the world works like a machine and that it is predictable and understandable in considerable detail. The story of OTICON tells us new technologies are demanding changes in every aspect of our organizational structures and management practices. Innovative ways of working together, utilizing information and spreading knowledge are being employed by our competitors in ways that are taking market territory.
Until recently, management has been able to inherit graceful and effortlessly the organizational structures that suited the contemporary landscape. These organizational structures consist of machinery, processes, legal agreement, habits accountabilities, which proved successful in past efforts. But the organizational and economic landscape is changing dramatically and management’s great legacy of structures is not going to work much longer.
For most managers and executives, what they actually know is how to use the structures that exist. Few of them are competent in design, in formulating new structures and bringing them into existence. But Lars Kolind did this. To begin something new, to keep it in existence, he brought OTICON into being the physical structures, practices, and language patterns appropriate to the new theories. He design structures that allow energy and information to be converted into something intended and not into something else. These structures will guide his employees to do many things effectively without demanding that attention be placed on the influencing structure. They are then free to create, innovate and access what is not possible.
Perhaps the most powerful area of organizational and managerial development will be the creation of operational definitions with which we can redesign every aspect of our approach to work. Now, for everyone everywhere, security is becoming elusive and old beliefs are coming under attack.
And the journey of organizational transformation is being undertaken by many who have dared to lead and dared to create the space of possibility for us.
Three issues in this case raise that I think is interesting and significant in relation to innovation.
Three issues
The first issue is they adopted a new mission statement that to help people with hearing difficulties to live life as they wish, with the hearing they have. The changed the structures in their organization as a brain. And express the new idea that brains do not know hierarchies