Equity, Cash Flow, and Notes Analysis Paper
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Equity, Cash Flow, and Notes Analysis Paper
Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
Cynthia Law
Scott Law
Sunny Lee
Samuel Ogunwobi
Clara Reid
Professor James Neuner
January 19, 2004
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 3
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity 3
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 4
Goals of the Organization 5
Important notes to the financial statements 6
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Operations 9
Conclusion 10
Table 1 11
Table 2 12
Table 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………13
References 14
Kmart remains one of the largest retail stores in America that must be recognized with strong financial statement and balance sheet. In accounting, balance sheets and financial statements mean a lot to a financial organization and investors. The financial support provided to any corporate or organization is based on its ability to justify its need with strong assets, cash flow and owner’s equity. A financial organization and investors look at these tools to determine the viability of a business. As described by Kmart President and CEO Julian Day, Kmart continues to make good in improving profitability of the company. (www.kmart.com) Different accounting equations such as net income, assets, owner’s equity, account receivables and current ratio define profitability. Using different scenarios applicable to Kmart, Team A reviewed the financial and cash flow statements of fiscal years 2002 & 2003. Company data is compared and analyzed to develop realistic company goals. The information used by investors to make good decisions is the significance of current ratios, accounts receivable turnovers and other accounting components.
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity
In the Abbreviated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity (Table 1), it is obvious that Kmart is going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and emerges from those proceedings as a viable organization. Beginning on January 30, 2002, Kmart had a positive equity statement. From that point, they experienced significant comprehensive losses that took them into a negative equity stance. The three line items that compromised the total comprehensive losses in Fiscal Year 2002 were Net losses of $3219 million, Pension adjustments of $554 and Market adjustments for investments of $1 million. These losses resulted in a net balance at the end of Fiscal Year 2002 of negative $302 million. In the next four months ending just prior to the reorganization of the entity (Predecessor Company) were Net losses of $855 million and a positive return of $259 million in conversion of preferred securities.
At reorganization, the Shareholders’ Equity equaled negative $991 million and all positive equity was sold and all other liabilities were balanced out to a zero balance. The capital of $1713 million brought into the new entity (the Successor Company) began the documenting of a positive balance for the Successor Company. Since that time, April 30, 2003, Kmart has documented a positive balance on the Statements of Shareholders’ Equity. They added $248 million in Net income, $1 million in Market value adjustments, $233 million in tax settlements and $1 million in other equity additions. A purchase of $4 million in Treasury stock was the only subtraction from the equity of the shareholders.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
The Statements of Cash Flows (Table 2) also demonstrates Kmart’s entering into and emerging from bankruptcy proceedings. This statement documents all the positive and negative adjustments to the cash flow of the entity. The corporation remained with a positive Cash Flow for all Fiscal Years leading up to restructuring. Although Kmart had positive cash flows, the amount of available cash was minimal and was