Estimate of Size of Dog Food Market
By: Fonta • Essay • 2,624 Words • January 4, 2010 • 2,519 Views
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Estimate of Size of Dog Food Market
One in five households in the United States has a member of the family that isn’t human. 53 million families can call themselves dog owners, and this number is growing at a continual rate each year. Annual sales of dog food nationally is $6.08 billion, 3.1 billion of these sales derive from supermarkets. Boston holds 1.2% of the entire U.S. population or 3,548,809 current or potential dog owners. If the one in five households being owners of “mans best friend” holds true in Boston, only 645,238 people in its population are pet owners, leaving a large market open for opportunity.
Target Market
Many adults, single or married, that are between the ages of 21 and 54 consider their pet to be a part of the family. This is why Show Circuit Dog Food’s target market will consist of this age group.
The first four categories (parents with school aged children, roommates, childless couples, and parents with younger or older children) are specifically the target market for Show Circuit Dog Food. To say that the dog food is for the upper class would be an overstatement by the example of the target market. The basis of this product is targeted toward the middle class to give them the feel of upper class by feeding a “member of the family” high quality food.
• Average consumer use per week
According to a local veterinarian a healthy dog should eat 1/5 pound of dog food for every 10 pounds. The average small dog weighs about 15.4 pounds, hence this size dog generally consumer 4.8 ounces of food daily, 33.6 ounces a week (2.1 pounds), 9.3 pounds a month, and 111.6 pounds a year.
The average medium dog weighs about 28.6 pounds. These dogs generally consume 7.5 ounces of food daily, 3.3 pounds weekly, 13.1 pounds monthly, and 157.5 pounds yearly.
The average large dog weighs about 41.2 pounds. On an average, these dogs consume 13 ounces of food daily, 5.7 pounds weekly, 22.75 pounds monthly, and 273 pounds yearly.
• Positioning relative to other dog foods
From the consumer’s standpoint, this particular dog food should be positioned above the other brands, be it dry, moist, canned, or treat. The history of the frozen food should allow Show Circuit Dog Food to position the product in the minds of the consumer as upper class, yet affordable enough to be on the grocery list once a week. Show Circuit Dog Food should hold a sort of “authority” over all other dog foods.
• Pricing
As stated in the case the cost of production, freight, and packaging of the frozen dog food is $6.37 per case of 12 tubs containing 15 ounces of food. A 7% markup for food brokers’ commission and a 22% markup for supermarket commission should also be added to this total. Including both of these, the cost per ounce is about 4.4 cents. Not included in this price is the $30,000 slotting fee, and $400,000-$600,000 cost of start up. The cost, including a 15% profit for TPF, is about 6.5 cents an ounce, 97 cents a tub, and about $12.00 a case.
Canned dog food prices range from 5 and 10 cents per ounce. Dry dog food
prices range from 3 and 9 cents per ounce. The range for treats is between
12 and 45 cents per ounce. The range for moist foods is between 5 and 7
cents per ounce.
• Opportunities and Challenges facing TPF
Tyler Pet Foods has many opportunities facing them with Show Circuit Dog Food. The market for this type of dog food is very open; there has been a substantial growth for premium and super premium dog good. An estimated $15 billion is spent annually on veterinarian bills, food, clothing and toys for dogs. This amount is continually growing along with the average of dogs per owners. Another opportunity is the fact that TPF will technically be the market innovator, leaving all dog owners as potential customers. The positioning of the product is an opportunity as well. The history allows the product to be seen in an “upper class” light. The idea of feeding a family member high quality food will spark interest in many dog owners.
As there are many opportunities, there are challenges that face TPF as well. Being a market innovator can be a double-edged sword. Instead of watching
another company test the market and jump in when the time is right, TPF has to basically create the market and pray for the best when they put their product on the shelf (or in this case, in the freezer). Another