Factors Inhihiting Women Empowerment in Business
By: Jessica • Essay • 309 Words • February 7, 2010 • 1,158 Views
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In all African societies, Women have been looked upon as lower creatures. Our tradition favour men against Women. Women are not seen as individuals who have their own mind. For many years, Women have assumed one imposed role after another- slave, sex object for relaxation at will, bearer of children, cook and servant of the family.
In Nigeria, Women were supposed to pursue their feminine roles of child-bearing and home making. Even after Nigeria attained independence it did not change the negative perception of Women. Women were not considered capable of handling any administrative post. They should stay at home while their men think for them.
The struggle for the empowerment of Women did not start in recent times. It has for the past centuries been in existence. Although neo-colonialists and those who believe in the white man’s superiority have attributed the origin of Women liberation movement to the USA claiming that the movement was gingered by the American Civil Rights Movement which was emulated by other countries particularly the third world countries, It is however pertinent to note that the move for the empowerment of Women had its