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Gap Analysis: Kuiper Leda

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Gap Analysis: Kuiper Leda


MBA 550

January 10, 2007

Gap Analysis: Kuiper Leda

The challenges faced by Kuiper Leda are based management, stakeholders, and an expansion into increased production capacities. In order to increase production Kuiper Leda will find it necessary to put into practice a new business strategy which will include; implementing an inventory management system, better forecasting future sales, outsourcing the production of components, reduction in its supply chain, and the creation of an overseas central distribution center.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Up front it appears that the problem Kuiper Leda is facing is caused by an opportunity to grow and take on more and larger customers, but further analysis demonstrates a poor or lack of an effective inventory and production plan.

Properly managed, Kuiper Leda will be able to take the problems laid before it and turn them into opportunities such as;

1. Improved delivery and capacity management through the use of modern software.

2. Increased sales and the building strong relationship with Midland Motors and other unnamed customers for future sales.

3. More accurately forecast production requirements.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical dilemmas are unavoidable when a company introduces change at the level that Kuiper Leda will be in order to grow and attract new customers. The key stakeholders in this situation include the company’s senior management, customers, employees, and suppliers. Kuiper Leda will be increasing production and managing costs through the use of outsourcing, central warehousing, reduction of operating costs through decreased supply streams, and implementation of an inventory management system.

• The first dilemma Kuiper Leda will be facing will be the production of a quality product on time and in required volume, because Kuiper’s present capacity is far below production requirements.

• The next dilemma will be increasing production without making the workforce being forced to work excessive overtime.

• The third dilemma will be when Kuiper Leda reduces its overhead through the reduction of its supply stream.

End-State Vision

Kuiper Leda needs to increase capacity in order to accept an order from Midland Motors. In order for Kuiper Leda to meet the demands of increased production it will need to increase capacity internally and externally through the use of outsourcing. Although Kuiper Leda will need to step up production to meet the demands of Midland Motors the real problem is supply chain management.

Kuiper Leda will need to implement a scalable supply chain management program which will incorporate the purchase of raw materials, outsourcing components, internal manufacturing, distribution, demand forecasts, required inventory levels, and future safety stock levels.

By intergrading a scalable supply chain management program Kuipler Leda will be able to provide its customers with reliable information and availability of a product as well as performing an Available-to-Promise check.

Gap Analysis

At present Kuiper Leda is not able to adequately manage its supply and distributions chains, nor is Kuiper capable of managing its in-house production and inventory. In order for Kuiper Leda to become successful it will need to;

1. Develop an inventory management plan to deal with excess stock and inventory.

2. Upgrade the present distribution system.

3. Implement a system to better forecast demands.

4. Reduce

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