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Global Communication

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Problem Solution: Global Communications


The prospect of equalizing global education will probably never happen. There are many reasons as to why this is so. Education in Japan, Germany and Great Britain (UK) is year round and thus far exceeds the time constraints in the United States put or place as a premium on education. Students in the USA attend schools Monday through Friday 7 hours a day at best. The United States have few opportunities for enrichment or the study for foreign languages as students who study abroad.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Countries such as Germany the education of students is mandated by the state teachers are hired by the state ministry as opposed to the United States where individual school principles hire there respective teachers. German students are required to master foreign language economics, history as well as a rigorous physical education program. We Americans truly touch the surface of all these subjects.

Ethical Dilemmas

Is it ethnical for students to attend schools six or seven days a week with little or no vacation? Americans feel this much stress and they may be right while Germany and Japan have the highest literacy notes. They also have the highest suicide rates. In Great Britain when students board year round parents are often uninvolved in their children’s learning process. While in the USA parents are lands or, involved in legislation and very much a part of thee learning process.

For years our Major Mike Bloomberg has tried to incorporate the Japanese model of uniform curriculum throughout the US as well as all by incorporating a uniform curriculum and by making himself the center of the education process. He has instituted a chancellor who the boards of ED Business Corporation. The chancellor Klein is responsible for making sure schools are run to win failure is not an option. Schools must perform at or above grade level or they called close or lose funding. This may not be ethical but the Major and Chancellor have placed business above ethics. Will teachers cheat or school administration “fudge” schools to attain their goal. Bloomberg is the consummate business ceo. He managed his company Bloomberg INC and became a billionaire as mayor of NYC he commands a salary of 1$ a year. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain. He has butted heads with union leader Randy Weingarten and teachers have threatened to walk out.

Problem Statement

Conditions in classrooms in the United States of America are micromanaged with schedules that must be posted and adhered to the second. Teachers are told what, when and how to teach. Creativity is a thing of the past as are the fine arts such as music and art. They are accountable for data driven instruction on every level. They must remediate instruction and at the same time enrich those who are above grade level with special projects. A proposal by hyzone the mayor is to give merit pay for teachers who instruct and travel to how income schools as well as teachers who improve test scores. This has outraged many educators as they say children are not a business or a commodity but individuals to be nutrient and cherished. Teachers feel alternatives be in a mentoring program whereby seasoned teachers who are perhaps retired return for a period to help new or struggling ones. Another problem facing global education is the disparity in pay. Teachers in New York City are paid well below the Global scale. The reason for this is that teachers in a tristate are valued below sanitation worker. Teachers in the New York City Board of Ed cannot exist on their annual salaries. Most teachers have second drops as tutors, waitresses’ sales people. However, in countries outside of the United States teachers are valued respected and treated as the professionals their education credits them to be. New York City teachers have 2 masters” on average extended degrees and hundred of hours of professional development under their belt. No one in the world do teachers work as diligently as they do in New York City. Working conditions are at times deplorable with over crowded classrooms no materials poor guidance unreasonable administration not to mention and out of control mayor and chancellor who are totally out of reach with the New York public

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