Logistics Using Promodel
By: Tasha • Research Paper • 482 Words • February 6, 2010 • 949 Views
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LOG 1A Simulation
Place / Date:
Syddansk Universitet/Sшnderborg 28 november 2006
Semavi Terzi
Mohammad Muniru
For the current state our factory layout is shown below:
For the current state, our model satisfies initial conditions as in the given exercise, like process, locations, resources (3 workers) etc and it runs for 37 hours per week.
We have a Lead Time (LT) of 53,83 minutes for the current model. WIP value is 9 minutes. However with 129 products per week we are far from our goal of 250 products/week.
As we look the single capacity location state chart it is obvious that saw is causing problems. It is blocked 67,96% of its time. This causes mill 1 & mill 2 to wait and a decrease in production. Also the workers are not well utilized (see fig. below).
There seems to be the layout is to be improved since it is running with 3 networks and 1 worker in each, which causes the workers not to help themselves and blocking of machines. Also lack of buffers is another issue since we have the saw and the mills blocked most of its time.
In the current state our financial situation:
• 129 pr/week * 40 weeks=5160 pr/year
• 5160 pr/year*125 dkk=645000 dkk income
• 645000-(3 workers*40 weeks*37 hrs*120 dkk/h)=112200 dkk profit
Therefore we have only 112200 dkk profit after a year.
We suggest these as improvements:
• -Single central network path with 4 workers.
• -A buffer after saw
• -A buffer after mill 1 and mill 2 for the 40% of the defected products
• -A loader to be purchased for loading mill 1
• -Same working hours per week (37h/week)