By: Monika • Research Paper • 1,160 Words • February 3, 2010 • 952 Views
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Marketing as defined by me and defined by others will be explored throughout this paper. The idea of marketing integrates and aligns itself with the power and variety of thought that allows the expansion of an idea or concept to flourish. The underlying theory of marketing is to penetrate the psyche. Effective marketing in varying capacities and environments can dictate and somehow predicate how we feel and react to a product or thing. The main objective is to hit target by having the right audience. The needs of one individual or many individuals can vary depending on many factors ranging from gender, age, culture, ethnicity, and taste preferences. Responding to demands and the acquisitions of products is part of what marketing is all about. Marketing overlaps with many concepts directly linking to identifying what it is that drives one to need, want, engage and be identified with a product or idea. The American public is an individualistic society not a collectivist society so our culture is not just about luxury designer items, it could be about products like the pet rock to hush-puppy shoes depending on the latest trend. It can also be Prada, or not. Marketing extending into the global focus takes on another level and that is when forces unite in order to get product recognition like Apple, Microsoft AT&T, and so on.
Marketing impacts people both psychologically and personally. There are many ways in a business or a person or group of people can choose to market. Advertising, internet, spreading the good word about your product can be done via many ways such as the PA system at the local pool hall, the Co. Co. County Bee, word of mouth (referrals), in person-public speaking, e-mail, letter writing, Goodyear blimp, radio and television are just a few of the ways in which we can transmit and communicate what it is one has to offer and whether or not your targeted group is in need of this offering. In some cases, we are marketers for other people just by buying and or wearing their brand name. It is all about buying selling and the behaviors of the individual (s) in question. The main idea behind marketing is to be aware and stay on top of your target group. In other words you are not going to be selling sugar to someone who is allergic to it.
According to marketing specialist, Brian Norris, whose premise of marketing involves a four stage process. First identify potential and/or qualified users / buyers, then capture the attention of the qualified buyer, thirdly is getting the prospect to accept the ideas or propositions being offered, and lastly is to convert the prospect into a qualified buyer by getting them to take action whether it be a car, purchase something become a member and so on.
Marketing is the ongoing process of moving people closer to making a decision to
purchase, use, follow, refer, upload, download, obey, reject, conform, become
complacent to someone else's products, services or values. Simply, if it doesn't
facilitate a "sale" then it's not marketing.
Decisions made or spawned either from the right brain or the left brain which is why we might buy something we want but do not necessarily do we need it. The practical decision versus the passionate decision… Ferrari or Pinto, the generic soup label vs. the Campbell’s soup label, there are so many choices and sometimes “its” all good.
According to Wikipedia, there are many definitions of marketing from minimal to expanded in meaning. The digestive meaning in a nutshell says there are many meanings attached to marketing and disputes that there is just one definition, but the common thread is that marketing is to assist an individual or group with their needs and wants via a social and managerial process that facilitates this exchange. These processes’s include but are not limited to advertising.
Direct marketing is a sub discipline of marketing which is basically mail order and bulk rate mail. Brand names such as American Express and Columbia records were first exposed through this process which was discovered and pioneered by Lester Wunderman. The results from this method in the industry are measurable through response. Other forms of direct marketing include catalogs, door-hangers, magazines, newspapers, inserts, pay per click, billboards to transit ads etc. A brand, slogan, logo or design represents itself as an idea or an image or set of images representative of a theme in relationship