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European Law

Wat is handig om sowieso te leren:

- 4 stages of economic cooperation.

Een van deze 4 vragen komt er bijna zeker in:

• Question 1: What is meant by: �the EC treaty is self-executing’? Provisions which create rights and obligations for the subjects of national law – natural and legal persons.

• Question 2: What is meant by: �provisions can have direct effect’? The provision must be sufficiently clear and precisely stated. It must be unconditional or non-dependent. The provision must confer a specific right for the citizen to base his or her claim on. It is therefore applicable in the case of treaty articles (van Gend en Loos was a claim based on a treaty article), in which case it can be both vertically and horizontally directly effective.

• Question 3: What is meant by the “democratic deficit” of the EU? This refers to the fact that the European Parliament which is the voice of the people and its main job it is to pass European laws has legislative power but together with the Council. Proposals for new laws come from the Commission.

• Question 4: Explain the importance of the decisions of the Court of Justice, and give three principles which it has developed. The Court of Justice is taking care that every judgement is equally applied to all Member States.

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