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Personal Perspective

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The Purpose of this paper is to describe the experience with the decision-making models. Making decisions can be very interesting sometimes, because the experience varies between individuals. According to the writers Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, the definition of decision-making is the process of identifying and resolving problems and opportunities (p.19).

The decision-making models have many steps, varieties of examples, and many real life situations and theories that give a student an analysis of how one should make a decision and how that decision could impact their real life situation. Making decisions is a very important part in management. For example, the reading of “Negotiations in the Mexican Culture or how the rules are different” was very interesting because these decision-making rules are very similar to the rules of the Bangladeshi culture. Even though, Mexico is in South America and Bangladesh is in East Asia, the decision-making process they follow in organizational negotiations are exactly the same.

Business is becoming global everyday. That is why it is important to know how to make a decision in a globally setting and in foreign environments. According to a Bangladeshi Nobel prizewinner economist Dr. Yunus explains in one of his speeches: on a Bangladeshi farm where any western manager has to deal with them, who need to know how to conduct business in a Bangladeshi manner (p. 3). The decision of doing business in the Mexican way to follow the rules of get to know each other, the titles of the person, and the prestige of the leader or the manager is very important when the negotiation happens in a business deal. Like wise the Bangladeshis also believe in doing business in Bangladeshi way and these rules are very important to them in the organization to be a successful decision maker as a global manager.

In the reading from week two-chapter-six, “ while western decision making emphasized expedience based on the belief that time is money, Eastern traditions emphasize the principle of patient reflection”(p.1). A Bangladeshi manager will make a decision based upon how the relationship with the organization while an American manager will make the decision based upon how fast the business deal will be closed. This is how decision-making processes play a major role in managerial experiences in global organization.

As a good manager, thinking critical to making a positive decision can impact a whole organization or the society. The war in Iraq impacted the former dictator Saddam Hossain when leaders made a decision to hang him. Like wise, in every moment of anyone’s life one has to make such a decision that will impact the future in unknown ways. Perhaps, this is why it is very important to follow the right steps and the way to make decision where the future will be benefited in the organization or in a personal life situation.

In conclusion, the point of view is that it is very important to individuals to realize that decision-making is related to critical thinking even some decisions are life-changing events or some decision is just an option or opinion. However, “we are all too some extent the products of a succession of decisions that

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