The Internet
By: Mike • Essay • 338 Words • January 30, 2010 • 920 Views
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I understand this only works when i turn in a paper, so I keep trying otherwise this site is worthless.
The Internet was first conceived in the early '60s, under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). DARPA grew from a paper architecture into a small Advanced Research Project Agency network (ARPANET) intended to promote the sharing of super-computers amongst researchers in the United States. The researchers had to work with the defense department. Standards for computing are often found in RFC's (Request for comment). Request for comments came about because of the need to politely challenge or change people's paradigm. Arpanet being the first network got RFC number 3, and many other RFC's came after that one.
The Internet was first conceived in the early '60s, under the leadership of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). DARPA grew from a paper architecture into a small Advanced Research Project Agency network (ARPANET) intended to promote the sharing of super-computers amongst researchers in the United States. The researchers had to work with the defense department. Standards for computing are often found in RFC's (Request for comment). Request for