What Is Marketing?
By: Jon • Essay • 444 Words • January 13, 2010 • 1,066 Views
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What is Marketing?
Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth. The marketing department of the company has the task to create the consumer awareness of the products or services through marketing techniques. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, often through market research. Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or reorganizing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to buy.
Marketing is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding. In the business world the term has a wider meaning which recognizes that marketing is customer-centered. Products are often developed to meet the desires of groups of customers or even, in some cases, for specific customers. Marketing is divided into four general sets of activities, known as the Four P’s. The four P’s consist of Price, Place, Promotion, and Product. These four elements are referred to as the marketing mix. With the marketing mix a marketer can create a marketing plan for the needed task at hand. Probably the most important part of a marketing plan is the target market also how you divide up the target market, i.e. market segmentation. If a company does not have a good handle on their target market, then they’ll have a hard time deciphering who they are going after and who they could go after and the ones that look like they should go after, but in reality end up not being their desired market.