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A Heroes Tale

By:   •  Research Paper  •  4,635 Words  •  February 13, 2010  •  1,373 Views

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“When, did the future change from a promise to a threat?” I said questioningly

“I don’t know buddy but we are in some serious trouble” Max said softly

“Things happened so fast, especially when you get caught up with the wrong people in the right place” I Chuckled but I was screaming on the inside I wanted to run far from here this was the last place I wanted to be standing on top of a hill with my yew long bow tired of running from them “That’s an understatement” Max emotionless “Will you stay with me … to the … end?”

“To the end my friend” I spoke comfortingly and patted his shoulder. I don’t know really why I did it but it seemed what might lighten up the load.

“Well I can see them now, thank you” Max said cautiously as he picked up his battle axe and his giant kite shield. Max was a massive man who preferred to use a battle axe because he was stronger than most men. He liked to use heaver weapons but did not like wearing heavy armor. He always said that he moved too slowly in it he usual wore light chain mail and leather chaps. I could not really make fun of him because I never wore heavy armor I wore my studded hard leather leggings and body witch weighed a little more than a thick wool sweater. I notched an arrow on my bow and then I tried to remember why all of this had happened. Me and max were no older than 17, as a matter in fact I had never even seen him before. I was thirsty and decided that I needed a good drink I had finished 3rd in the “Golden Arrow Competition” wasn’t a first but I couldn’t complain with 100 gold pieces we archers never were liked very much in these towns. Max was in the bar he was flirting with the barmaid I decided to take an empty table that was farthest away from anyone but I knew I should be ready to leave incase of the worst. “Hey there, what can I get you?”

“Ah hello my good lady, I will take a bottle of your finest wine” I chuckled because in a place like this no one really knew what a good bottle of wine was “Wine? That will be 2 gold coins” chimed the barmaid

“You know I have never finished a bottle of wine all by myself, maybe later you might come and help me?” I asked with a grin

“Maybe, maybe” she said with a wink

Shortly after she retuned with a dusty bottle and I gave her the 2 gold coins. It was a very good bottle of wine I poured my self another glass. Before I finished 8 hooded men had encircled me. “Archer leave my table now” the leader said firmly

“I have just started my bottle and there are plenty of open tables why do you want mine?” I asked

“I said this is my table is mine” said the leader slightly aggravated

“Very well” I said as I got up and grabbed my bottle of wine “now if you would kindly let me through” I snapped sarcastically

“No, there’s a tax for sitting at our table” said a man to the right of the leader

“Shut up, Abraham I don’t have time we must talk, let him go this time” said the leader. I quickly move to the next table where max was sitting “Psst, do you know who those guys are?” Max said softly

“Nope, no idea but they don’t look like the friendly type” I said sourly

“They are the “Black hand” he said coldly

“Never heard of them” I said

“Oh, they don’t look like much, but they are descendants from some of the greatest thugs in all of Spain, I have kept my eye out for these guys for a long time there’s a bounty of 1000 coins if we get the whole group of them what do you say?” max asked friendly

“1000 coins for all of them, bet we could get more if we captured them alive” I said with a grin

“Nah were better off killing them right here” max said a bit too loud catching their attention they immediately withdrew there weapons as well as Max. I grabbed my bow and notched an arrow “Hi my name is Kirk what’s your name friend?” I asked cautiously praying to god that he would say his name and acknowledge that he was on my side

“Max is the name, death is the game, pal” he said confidently and took a few steps in front of me “You fools do you even know who we are?” the leader chucked he must have liked his odds eight well armed men against 2 young men but it didn’t bother me much I had been in situations like this after about two guys died they would ether surrender or run away

“Yes, I know who you rouges are you are the black arm” Max said coldly

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