Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
By: Victor • Essay • 1,099 Words • January 8, 2010 • 1,926 Views
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Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.
In the book Anne Frank “The Diary of a Young Girl”, starts off very happy. They are living in a house. Free from anything. The book starts out on Sunday, 14 June, 1942 on Anne Frank's 13 birthday. They are living in a house in Holland, that the whole family loves very much. Anne and her sister Margot Frank were very popular with the boys. When Anne and Margot went to the ice cream shop they didn't even need money to buy anything, the boys were more than welcome to give them some of their spare change to buy them some ice cream. Little does the Frank family know that their lives will change forever. On Thursday, 9 July, 1942 the Frank Family are forced to leave their home and live in a attic of a store, for the safety of their lives. The Frank family will have their ups and downs for the next three years of their lives.
Mr. And Mrs. Frank, Anne and Margot are not the only ones living their three last years in the house they like the call "The Secret Annex." The Vann Daan's move in also, that consist of Mr. And Mrs. Van Daan and their son Peter Van Daan, who also brought his cat Mouschi. Then later on a man by the name Mr. Dussel moves into the attic of the "Secret Annex." Throughout the book four characters come and go, they are Mr. Kraler, Koophius, Miep and Elli Vossen. They are workers of the store. They come and give the family's food and cloths. They are just trying to help the family's with there needs.
Now the two family's including Mr. Dussel have to manage to get along at all times. Well plan don't always turn out like there expected. Right off the bat the Frank's think of the Van Daan's to be rich, stuck up, and mean shelfish people. The Van Daan's expect everyone do to things for them. Anne thinks that Mrs. Van Daan is a fla, and a jealous women. When you get further into the book you will read that the Frank's and Van Daan's do get along, well most of the time. Both the family's don't mind Mr. Dussel but they do get on there nerves.
As the book goes on. Anne Frank developes a very strong attraction towards Peter Van Daan, that soon turns to love. Anne, it turns out that she loves Peter, and she wishes that he thought of her in that way to. So Anne and Peter get to know each other better, little by little. Then they pretty much become a couple. They will admire each other and eyeball each other for a while. Then Anne lays in his arms and she falls in love that very moment. Then later on in the book they kiss. They kiss several times.
Anne talks with Peter about telling her father. Anne feels more secure with her father than with her mother. Anne thinks her mother doesn't understand her, and that Margot and her mother are more similar that Anne and her father are. Well Anne ends up telling her father about hers and Peter's relationship. Anne's father also referred to as Otto Frank only thought that she went upstairs to talk to Peter because she was lonely and needed someone her age to talk