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Argumentative Paper

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Argumentative paper

Things have changed greatly since Crevecoeur wrote this essay in 1791. Anyone who would read this essay would assume America is a utopia. His description would appeal to anyone and give them the courage to come here and start a new life. American life back then was plowing land for your self, raising a family, or starting a business. Immigrants were greeted with open arms, rich and poor. It was a rags to riches country for many. In the 21st century, being American is not the same and immigrants are not always welcome as they once were. They are often met with hate and contempt because our government has deemed them to be a burden on society. There a lot of small-minded people out there that would hesitate to call an immigrant American, but what is an American anyways?

It is almost impossible to define what it is to be American. We have become such a diverse nation that being American is simply defined as being a citizen. It is hard to imagine that being more diverse makes things simpler, but I believe it does. Because of our increase in diversity, you can no longer stereotype us to just one character set. Being American is simply contributing to society and the economy, and having legal residence regardless of race or beliefs. Paying your taxes, raising a family, contributing to your local community and trying not to be a burden is the new way. Yet this is not the only thing that defines our country.

If there was one common thread that tied us all together, that thread would be freedom. This was and still is the American Dream. For those of us that were born and raised here, it us something that we take for granted, but for immigrants, it is their Holy Grail. Just as it was then, the American Dream is still possible. Immigrants often come here and struggle to survive, but they do so in conditions far better than they came from. They are free to choose their line of work and which religion to worship. They are free, so to speak. If they can make it past the racial and discrimination barriers, their opportunities are endless.

Back then, as Cervecoeur describes it, an Englishmen would “rejoice that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled.” Today, the word rejoice would be replaced with overwhelmed and have nothing after that but a period. Things are not as bright as they appear. We too have problems. One of the things many other countries have that we are losing is family values. Immigrants often come here not only to seek a better life for themselves, but they often come here to work to support their families at home. It is loyalty and sacrifice at its

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