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Aristotle's Views on Governent

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Alex Rustad

Michael Bentley

Engl 1010

6 January 2016

        Aristotle’s views on the differences between democracy and oligarchy are, simply put, democracy is supposed to be run by many and an oligarchy is supposed to be run by a higher class of few. Though in today’s world, this does not seem to be the case. The democracy today is so familiar with is seemingly becoming more and more of an oligarchy, focusing more on social standing and riches than being governed by the will of the majority. Aristotle said that “a democracy can only work if the rich and the poor are considered equal before the law”, meaning that whether the person is poor or rich should not matter when the law is being mentioned and every free person has a say in what the democracy does. A democracy should not be a government in which the few freemen rule over the many who are not free, neither is it when the rich have the government exceed in number.

        Oligarchies, however, are supposed to be completely different. An oligarchy, by definition, is a rule of few. An oligarchy is entirely ruled by a group of nobles coming from a wealthy background, it is only on accident that the rulers are the rich and the rich are few, but the free are many and have no rule. Though do not mistake this for being a communist ruling, just as in any other government, there is still a majority rule, so the people of normal and less fortunate living still have a say in their government and how it runs.

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