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Atticus Finch, What a Wonderful Father

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Melissa Sullivan

English III A Honors

Miss White

January 12, 2006

Atticus Finch, What a Wonderful Father

Atticus Finch was the world’s greatest father to his two children, Jem and Scout. They looked up to him and followed everything that he said and did. Although this always holds true for his children, other people in society were skeptical of the methods that Atticus used to discipline and teach his children. People like Aunt Alexandra and Scout’s teacher, Miss Caroline, are prime examples of those who critique Atticus. Atticus has a very unique way of handling his kids; he considers his children almost equal to him and doesn’t hide anything from them, he teaches them to show respect to everyone, and he first teaches them through words and then at the extremist point he physically disciplines them.

Atticus’ way of staying close to his children is one that is very unique. By letting Jem and Scout call him “Atticus” it puts them on the same level. This allows Jem and Scout to consider Atticus as a friend as well as a father. This makes opening up to each other much easier, which then leads to them becoming closer. “After supper, Atticus sat down with the paper and called, ‘Scout, ready to read?’”(Lee 29). Every night Scout and Atticus would read the newspaper together which in return brought them closer together and also taught Scout how to read. Also, Jem and Scout were not afraid to tell Atticus the truth because they were so close. “When Jem an’ I fuss Atticus doesn’t ever just listen to Jem’s side of it, he hears mine too…” (Lee 86). Atticus’ way of becoming close with his children is one way that he is an exemplary father.

The next way that Atticus is a commendable father is that he teaches his children to be respectful to, even to the meanest of people. No matter what kind of person someone is, no matter what color their skin is, or even no matter how rich someone is, everyone should be treated the same. That is the main thing the Atticus stresses to Jem and Scout. “You never really understand a person until you consider

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