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Bean Trees

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The Bean Trees is a poignant novel that suggests and teaches us many things about families,

and their dynamics. Barbara Kingsolver, the author, writes about families and the dynamics and

values within those family systems. The characters in this novel are Missy, who later becomes

Taylor, and Mama who Taylor grew up with in Pittman County, Kentucky. Sandi, the horse

crazy , young, single mother who worked at Burger Derby. Mattie, the owner of

Jesus Is Lord used tires. Lou Ann, the insecure fellow Kentuckian who is Taylor and Turtles

roommate. And lastly Estevan and Esperanza, the young couple who are refugees from

El Salvador. Beginning in Pittman County with Mama and moving all the way to Tucson where

Taylor meets her current family, and how the dynamics Taylor had with Mama in their single

parent family are repeated with Taylor’s adopted daughter Turtle. Taylor used the skills that

Mama taught her to have healthy relationships. The Beans Trees shows us many examples of

these dynamics. The dynamics in Mama and Taylor’s relationship were about love,

communication, and encouragement. Whereas, you will also see other examples of what this

author suggests about families.

Missy and Mama had an amazing relationship, and Mama always treated Missy as if she

were the best thing since slice bread. Missy was what everyone called her, her name was

actually Marietta. In a scene where little Missy had gone down to the pond fishing, Missy brings

home a mess of fish. Kingsolver, writes about Mama, “’That’s my big girl

bringing home the bacon,’…and cook those things and serve them up like Thanksgiving for the

two of us.” (2) Missy and Mama didn’t have much money, however; they made ends meet and

were happy. Missy’s mama worked as a domestic for families in town, and Missy went to work

with her and looked after the smaller children. In her senior year in high school Missy got a job

at the Pittman County Hospital. She worked carrying bedpans on Saturdays

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