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Descriptive Essay

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Corbin Snyder

The Master of Description

`        People can argue over who the master of description was during the Romanticism era, but I believe that it was Edgar Allen Poe. His style of writing always paints a fantastic picture for the reader. Romanticism authors are quite descriptive, but Edgar Allen Poe is the master of description.

        Poe does a fantastic job describing the scene in his poem “Annabel Lee.” He describes the setting as a kingdom by the sea. He then later describes Annabel as having many different beautiful traits about her. Such as her beautiful eyes, and face.

        Poe also paints a wonderful picture in his poem titled “Spirits of the Dead.” He says that it is during mid dark and our hour of secrecy. He also mentions that that there will be no stars, it will be too dark to see, and that there will be a slight breeze. This also helps create the dark and dreary mood Poe intends to create.

        Poe further shows his skills in his poem “Dreamland.” He describes the setting as a route obscure and lonely, haunted by ill angels, and he continues on with other great descriptions throughout the poem. This helps show that it is not quite the kind of “dreamland’ we think of when we here the word.

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