English 102 a Good Man I Hard to Find
Joyce Wilson
Professor Tredore
English 102
15 Aug. 2018
Hollinger, Karen. “‘Young Goodman Brown.’ Hawthorne’s ‘Devil in Manuscript’. A. Rebuttal.” Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 19, no. 4. 1982, pp. 381-384. Literary Reference Center. http://web.a.ebscohost.com/lrc/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=438c60d3-2cac-47b5-9699-7b39dbfadff4%40sessionmgr4010&bdata=JnNpdGU9bHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=9268000&db=lfh. Accessed 12 Aug. 2018.
The author in this journal is arguing a previous article titled, “Young Goodman Brown: Hawthorne’s Devil in Manuscript.” by James L. Williamson. On the previous article Williamson perceived that the narrator was the devil or connected to evil. Hollinger argues that the narrator is not evil at all. Hollinger tries to prove that Hawthorne did not write the narrator to be evil but to be a companion for Goodman Brown. The author goes into detail explaining the narrator’s actions versus the travelers disagreeing with Williamson’s work. Hollinger shows the difference between each visitor and how they differ in personality from the narrator. The article further explains how the narrator fully describes the thoughts and actions of Brown as his confidant but never perceives how the visiting travelers think or explorer their consciousness showing that he was not as related to those individuals. As the story concludes Hollinger points out how the narrator starts to break away from Brown when becomes evil.
Tritt, Michael. “’Young Goodman Brown’ and the Psychology of Projection.” Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 23, no. 1, 1986, pp. 113-117. Literary Reference Center. http://web.a.ebscohost.com/lrc/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=438c60d3-2cac-47b5-9699-7b39dbfadff4%40sessionmgr4010&bdata=JnNpdGU9bHJjLWxpdmU%3d#AN=7702396&db=lfh. Accessed 12 Aug. 2018.
The author starts his article with how many people who read “Young Goodman Brown” and review it and by what means they interpret the story. Tritt states the most common review Brown’s “loss of faith in himself, and his fellows.” Tritt follows this story through Psychology. The author thinks that Brown has guilt that he is unwilling to recognize. “Brown obsessively locates the source of his anxieties in those around him.” Tritt believes that Brown accepts becoming evil, that Brown “accusing the members of that community” and accept that they do worship the devil. The author uses the end of the story where Brown is in church as a point to analyze Brown. Tritt expresses Brown as “a classically defined case of projection.” The author concludes that Goodman Brown is trapped with his emotions and that he feels as if he is a victim to them.
Williamson, James L. “’Young Goodman Brown’: Hawthorne’s ‘Devil in Manuscript.” Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 18, no.2, 1981, pp. 155-162. Literary Reference Center. http://web.b.ebscohost.com/lrc/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=f04321e2-1d15-4789-a0e9-38188be2b30b%40sessionmgr103. Accessed 15 Aug. 2018.
Williamson explores and compares some of Hawthorne’s other works and how he wrote. The author shows that Hawthorne’s style of writing was different from others of his time because Hawthorne uses devil or adversary references that Hawthorne phiadins would be limiting those that would read his books. Williamson then discusses the story by showing that the narrator does show same characteristics between the narrator and the devil’s figures. The author portrays the narrator as being “condescending sarcastic” and showing “devilish characteristics.” Williamson goes through each of the travelers and explains what the narrator and the figures have in common. As the story wraps up Williamson shows how the narrator takes a different stake and even refers change as a chameleon when Brown becomes evil. This author points out “the speaker’s “striking resemblance to the devil figures.” Williamson further states the narrator’s “ironic, parodic mode... ranges from boisterous laughter, to subtle, amused satire, to mock-reverential reflectiveness.”