By: Stenly • Essay • 738 Words • February 26, 2010 • 1,162 Views
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Gossip as defined by the dictionary is “one who chatters idly about others.”gossiping is usually done by talking about people behind their backs,which is very painful to that person being talked about.no one wants to be talked about,whether the information is true or not. The people doing the gossiping often feel they are doing it to better themselves and get caught up in the trap of trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down. Is it true, or are they, in all actuality, hurting themselves? Gossiping does not do the greatest good for the greatest number
Everyone gossips. Anyone who says it otherwise is a liar.gossip is like an extra-fudge brownie.you know you shouldn’t,you really shouldn’t,but you just cant pass it up.of course,brownie can cause more troubles than a brownie.take a little of what was said,add some and have it pass through a couple dozen people's hands. Something as little as "she talks a lot," could change into "She's a moronic blabbermouth and I hate her!" Most misunderstandings come from the grapevine. That's not to say that I've never gossiped.
Gossip can be pretty hard to resist. What would you do if a juicy piece of information came straight to you? You'd pass it along! That's the only human thing to do! Although it may be fun, it does make a lot of people feel bad. It's also how bullying and possibly school shootings start.
Girls are mean. That's just the way it is. From sly looks up and down, to knock-down hair pulling, it's part of the culture. Boys do it, too, and grownups aren't left out of the mix, either. High school is a feeding ground for gossip and all its counterparts -- backstabbing, name-calling and exclusion. There's no way out of it, either. After you know you're being talked about, the fear sets in. Was it something I said? Something I'm wearing? The way I walk? Do I have a zit? While these thoughts race through your head, you shift your shirt and check out your hair, but nothing you do will relieve the 1,000-pound weight you'll carry the rest of the day. Gossip will always break you down, and never lift you up.
Gossips very nature brings along danger. Gossiping is only a lead to emotional and social problems. A person gossiping will only have negative outcomes; no good comes out of gossiping. Gossiping could even possibly turn a teenager’s high school years into a nightmare. Cruel words can be hard on any teenager. People risk losing friendships, jobs, attention on school, and family’s trust.
High school