I’m Not Scared Text Response
By: Vika • Essay • 690 Words • January 23, 2010 • 1,812 Views
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‘While “I’m Not Scared” revolves around the adult’s world of corruption and violence, it is essentially about the child’s world of friendship and betrayal.’
Niccolт Amminiti’s “I’m Not Scared” is s novel which explores the topics of friendship, loyalty, betrayal, violence and morality. Essentially, the story follows Michele’s innocent perception of an adult world, and his gradual spiral into a state of lost innocence caused by the very ones who are closest to him. Even though the plot portrays a world of dark and quite complex ideals, such as the corruption and violence of an adult world, it is essentially about the child’s world of friendship and betrayal and their innocent views in an iniquitous world.
Firstly, “I’m Not Scared” is a story which highlights how easy it is for adults to corrupt children’s perceptions of the world. Michele’s assumption that Barbara is killing Togo could be seen as a metaphor to show Michele’s growing confusion about parental roles. “What are you doing?...You wanted to kill him!...I didn’t know whether to believe her or not.” (p 96) It seems that his perception of people around him has been altered drastically, and he has no faith in anybody’s word. Further on in the plot, it appears that not only do any of the adult’s words have any assurance behind them, however Michele’s own word also seem to have to conviction to them either. Initially, his promise to his father to “never go back there again…I (Michele) swear on your (Pino’s) head that I won’t go back there again” (p 156) appears substantial and innocent, however his act of breaking the oath to his father and going back to visit Filippo proves how corrupt his innocence and morality really have become.
The world portrayed in the hamlet of Aqua Traverse is one of violence. Pino’s threat “if you (Michele) go back there, I’ll give you the thrashing of your life…If you go back there again those people will shoot him in the head...” (p156) against Michele is brutally forthright and emphasizes the violent way in which the adult world functions. Not only is it the adults who use cruel and aggressive ploys to control the world around them, but the children as well. Skull’s “impaled hen” (p15) and malicious forfeits he forces upon the others, in particular Barbara to expose herself (p20) are both physically and psychologically vicious means to gain power and control